Living without our desires as they flow away, we are left with ourself. We are always in a state of change, and we are changing for the better.
Slow healing is soul healing
My idea is to awaken the Divine feminine in each one of us, thereby connecting us all, so we can remove and replace the systems and ways of connecting that are failing us.
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius
—Hair, the musical
It’s a time to understand that WE are the spiritual masters we have been waiting for.
The Mother of all Revolutions is upon us as we move from the Piscean Age to the Age of Aquarius. Male-dominated cultures have perverted peaceful, earth-centered spirituality. Condoning violence, sacrificing children & animals has disconnected us. Our soul evolution is allowing us to reconnect with that nurturer, caregiver, warrior essence within all human beings. The divine feminine energy that we are learning to balance, creates our lives, rather than destroying creation. Cultures and generations in the past practiced spirituality and honored the mother and father. Mother is not only soft, but also a fierce warrior which is expressed by protection of her children, including the responsibility for nurturing and feeding her children. In turn, her children take care of her.
Reconnecting back to the divine feminine within, we turn on our intuition, the inner knowing that leads us on safe pathways that protects ourselves and those dependent upon us. We think, therefore manifest, what we need or create to express our divine potential.This is a time of the merging of the opposites, the masculine and the feminine. These two energies within each of us will once again work together to know God. And, they will act on divine inspiration, bringing messages from the divine to manifestation in the world.
The daily rhythm of connecting between the spirit world, our earthly world and the children brought up in love, spiritual practices, traditions, who are nurtured and protected echoes out into the outer world effecting the ethics, practices, and laws in our medical, political, and educational systems.